IPM Pest and Plant Disease Models and Forecasting
DD calculator linked to US map
for Agricultural, Pest Management, and Plant Biosecurity Decision Support in the US
How to create custom risk/models bookmarks to be embedded in your own web pages

Technical Documentation
See also How to add custom widgets into your mashup pages

Update Apr. 22, 2011

uspest.org/risk/models "MyPest Page" is a multi-crop, multi-model interface intended to serve users at local, regional, and national scales of pest management. Because of this diversity of users, the page can be customized for multiple needs. Customization of the page is initially done via the various settings on the page, and clicking the "Refresh" button which sets up cookies that are stored on the user's web browser.

For users who wish to set up multiple configurations, such as for Extension agents, consultants, or growers with large operations, you may wish to set up your own bookmarks or webpages with various different settings and for several locations. One inherent limitation of the page is that only a *single* location at a time may be displayed per browser window.

This page provides the technical details and some examples on how to customize settings for making bookmarks and other "hard links" that may be embedded into other webpages.

The program may be called via either "POST" or "GET" HTTP protocols. This is a guide primarily for setting your parameters using "GET" (parameters are included in the adress/URL). These settings allow you to over-ride any prior cookie settings with some exceptions listed below under "Notes".

Example 1:
Set up a bookmark (or favorite) in your web browser for the following:
Location: HOXO - Hood River, Oregon Agrimet weather station
     use: uspest.org/risk/models?sta=HOXO
Weather parameters to display: ex. Temperature, Leaf wetness; append to the above: &wp=temp&wp=leafwet
     resulting in: uspest.org/risk/models?sta=HOXO&wp=temp&wp=leafwet
Disease (hourly driven) Models to display: ex. Pear Scab, GT Powdery Mildew, Botrytis bunch rot; append to the above: &mdl=p_scab&mdl=p_mild&mdl=boti
      resulting in: uspest.org/risk/models?sta=HOXO&wp=temp&wp=leafwet&mdl=p_scab&mdl=p_mild&mdl=boti
Degree-day Models to display: ex. Codling Moth, OBLR; append to the above: &ddmdl=clm&ddmdl=ob2
     resulting in:

Paste the above into your browser to double check that these are your desired settings. To make a bookmark, in your browser menu (e.g. Firefox), click on "Bookmarks","Bookmark This Page", then type in your own description of these settings, and then click "Done". You may then go back to this bookmark at any time.

Example 2:
You have the need to save 2 months of past weather data and model output into a spreadsheet and do not wish to include the forecast for a given location
Location: ex. CRVO Corvallis Oregon Agrimet
      use: uspest.org/risk/models?sta=CRVO
Weather parameters to display: ex. Temperature, RH, rainfall, leafwetness, &wp=temp&wp=rel_hum&wp=rain&wp=leafwet
Example model: Tomcast DSV, &mdl=tdsv
Special parameters:
      get csv file download to be saved on users computer: &download_data=1
      disable display of forecast: &dis_fcst=1
      disable display of graphs: &ng=1
      set new range of dates: &start_date=20100701 (July 1, 2010), &span=62 (62 days since specified date)
      resulting in: uspest.org/risk/models?sta=CRVO&wp=temp&wp=rel_hum&wp=rain&wp=leafwet&mdl=tdsv&download_data=1&dis_fcst=1&ng=1&start_date=20100701&span=62

Example 3:
You want just a single model and the qa (quality assurance, plot_qa=1) chart to quickly compare two locations that are both near your field: ex apple scab model (&mdl=a_scab). Make two bookmarks and use a separate browser window to compare results:
Location 1: ex. Corvallis METAR (airport)
      use: uspest.org/risk/models?sta=KCVO&mdl=a_scab&plot_qa=1
Location 2: ex. Corvallis FNWO3 (5 miles south of airport)
      use: uspest.org/risk/models?sta=FNWO3&mdl=a_scab&plot_qa=1
1. Note that any previously selected degree-day models will appear and need to be cleared out manually via settings+refresh.
2. Note that if no weather parameters are selected (as in example 3) then any previously selected weather parameters will be displayed unless manually cleared.
3. Note that if no disease models are selected then any previously selected disease models will be displayed unless manually cleared; alternatively use &mdl=none to turn these off.

Full listing of Mypest Page params and values:

      Weather station where xxxxx is the station code. eg sta=CRVO or sta=v2CRVO 
      (for virtual station).
      where yyyymmdd is year month day (eg 20100704 is July 4, 2010)
      of when to start displaying data.
      where xx is number of days data to display after start date
      forecast start date where yyyymmdd is year month day (eg 20100723 is July 23, 2010)
      of when to start displaying forcast data forecasted on a specific date.
      Weather parameter, where xxxxx is the weather parameter to display. Possible values:
      where xxxxx is hourly disease model. Model values:
         none: none (to force no models -- even cookied model params)
         apple scab: a_scab
         botrytis: boti
         boxwood blight: bxwd_s
         cherry powdery mildew: ch_pm
         chilling units: chl
         cleistothecial powdery mildew: cl_pm
         dollar spot: dol_spot
         fire blight: fb
         fire blight new 2010: fb10
         generic degree-hours model: gen
         GT powdery mildew: p_mild
         hop powdery mildew: h_pm
         mummy berry: mum_b
         muskmelon melcast: mm_mc
         pear scald: p_scld
         pear scab: p_scab
         pearson gadoury: pgpm
         strawberry powdery mildew: str_pm
         tomato potato late blight: tplb
         tomcast dsv: tdsv
         Utah chilling units: chl_u
         vapor drift: v_drift
         watermelon melcast: wm_mc
      where xxxxx is degree-day model - e.g. codling moth = clm, cl2, or cl3 
      (there are 3 available codling moth models)
	   see list of degree-day models for a full list of abbreviations 
      (displayed in 3rd column of table)
      to disable forecast (useful for running models using past weather data)
      to opt for National Weather Service digital forecast (vs default of Fox)
      to opt for not using any station leaf wetness sensor data if available (default is to use it)
      Forces using computed LW from Fox FuzzyLW routine based on temperature, dewpt, 
      wind and precip
      to force zero precip into the Fox FuzzyLw routine
      to display plot of QA for temperature and dew point
      to display temperature threshold lines on temperature graph
      where xx, yy and zz (and so on) are desired Farenheit degrees for
      lines to appear
      to display wind speed threshold lines on windspeed graph
      where xx, yy and zz (and so on) are desired mph speed for
      lines to appear
      to get a csv file of the data
      to also display a tabular view of the selected weather and hourly model data
      to disable display of graphs

Oregon IPM Center at Oregon State University IPM PIPE The PRISM Group at OSU Western
Region Pest Management Center National Institute of
Food and Agriculture

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