Online Phenology Models and Degree-day Calculator
info KB1DML Cambridge MA  station: AV085 APRSWXNET elev: 39 ft  lat/long: 42.3636 -71.1078
  Select location by clicking on pin in Google Map above
 orange tortrix (cold winter)
 [small fruit]

Knight 1988
  info Model category: 

  Select model: (see list)   (model params) 

  Output in:

  Starting date instructions: calendar date - set on Jan 1

  End:      Note - start date reset to database default. 
  Model validation status: partly validated Region(s): Pacific Northwest

  info Forecast type: 


Weather data QA score 0.99; 0 days missing
Date DDs Event
 Jun 7 50 days ago 1370 Peak egg hatch
 Jun 30 27 days ago 2170 Peak in density large larvae

  info  Output:  Simple header  No table  Graph precip 

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Oregon IPM Center at Oregon State University IPM PIPE The PRISM Group at OSU Western
Region Pest Management Center National Institute of
Food and Agriculture
All data provided "as is" and users assume all risk in its use - see full disclaimer. All NWS derived data is not subject to copyright protection. This site hosted by the Integrated Plant Protection Center at Oregon State University with support from the USDA National Plant Diagnostic Network, The OSU Agricultural Experiment Station, various USDA CSREES/NIFA grants, USDA SARE, USDA RMA, and USDA IPM Centers - Western Region. Climate map data provided by OSU PRISM Group, real-time public weather data provided by U. Utah Mesowest and other networks including WSU AgWeatherNET, AGRIMET, CPS Adcon Networks, IFPNet Automata, California CIMIS, California PestCast, and others.
Previous versions online since May 16, 1997, this version 5.6, updated Jan 3, 2024
Contact Len Coop at if you have any questions about this program.