My Curriculum Vitae (pdf)
uspest.org/ippc2 server
Entomology Program
Leonard B. Coop - Personal/Professional Home Page
Associate Professor (Practice), M.S. & PhD Entomology
Dept. Horticulture
Associate Director, Decision Support Systems,
OIPMC (Oregon IPM Center)
Oregon State University
2750 SW Campus Way #4017ALS
Corvallis, Oregon
USA 97331-2907
phone: (541) 737-5523
email: coopl@oregonstate.edu
I do research and Extension related work in IPM (Integrated Pest Management), particularly in the areas of systems modeling and decision support systems.
Research and outreach areas have recently included:
- Conservation Biological Control in Caneberries
- Climate change effects on swiss needle cast in PNW Douglas-fir forests
- Development and implementation of pest models and virtual weather for IPM and plant biosecurity
- Modeling and decision support for IPM, plant biosecurity, and invasive species management
I supervise and help develop models and other web-based decision support tools for various projects, including:
IPM Pest and Plant Disease Models and Forecasting
- for Agricultural, Pest management, and Plant Biosecurity Decision Support in the US, including:
I do much of the hardware and software support for my projects
- Intel, AMD (hardware)
- Linux, UNIX, Windows (operating systems)
- phenology models, plant disease infection risk models, simulation models, GRASS GIS, database (programming)
- Perl, R, UNIX shell scripts (server side)
- HTML, Javascript, CSS (client side)
- webpage and web graphics design
Member of ESA (Entomological Society of America), APS (American Phytopathological Society), NPDN (National Plant Diagnostics Network), Western Weather Systems Workgroup (since 2004).
Last update: May 25, 2021
This Web page first went on-line Nov. 12, 1996
email: Len Coop