IPMP3.0, Oregon State University, Copyright 2000

Redbacked Cutworm



Life Cycle


Sampling and Action Threshold

Fact Sheet (requires Acrobat Reader 3.x or above to read and print. Click below to download the free "Reader".)

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Link to large image (144K) of redbacked cutworm larva Link to large image (114K) of redbacked cutworm adult
Redbacked Cutworm Larva Redbacked Cutworm Adult
Link to large image (100K) of redbacked cutworm pupa Mature larvae are 35 to 40 mm long, often with a red or reddish-brown top stripe.  The top stripe is divided by a dark line and bordered with darker bands. Adults have a wingspan of about 40 mm. This cutworm overwinters as eggs in soil or under trash. Eggs hatch in the spring and larvae feed beneath the soil surface on roots and stems at first, but also feed on the foliage. The most severe damage occurs from late March through early June.  When mature, larvae pupate in the soil.  Adults begin emerging in late June through early September.   Adults lay eggs in the fall. Eggs undergo embryonic development and form the overwintering stage. Select samping and action threshold to calculate damage levels.

Redbacked Cutworm Pupa

View the Fact Sheet for More Information

This section contains information on the management of redbacked cutworm in peppermint.  The Fact Sheet contains specific information on identifcation and biology of this pest (requires Acrobat Reader).  Select a category from the contents menu for additional information on sampling, development, and management of redbacked cutworm.