IPMP3.0, Oregon State University, Copyright 2000

Biology and Management of Common Salsify


Registered Herbicides

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  Common Salsify

General Description:

  • Generally 1 to 3 feet tall, more or less branched, arising from a long taproot.
  • Herbage has a milky juice.
  • Some pubescence occurs when young, but it is frequently glabrous at maturity.
  • Leaves are narrow, up to 12 inches long, gradually tapering from the base to the apex.
  • Flower heads occur at the end of long, hollow peduncles.
  • Involucral bracts, usually about 13, 1 to 2 inches long at anthesis.
  • Bracts distinctly surpass the pale, lemon-yellow ray flowers .

Life cycle:

  •   Biennial

Habitat/ Distribution/ Crops associated with:

  • Native to Eurasia, but well established over temperate N. America.
  • Occurs along roadsides and waste sites.
  • Same as Western salsify, but has purple flowers.

Herbicide Control Notes:

  • Gramoxone plus Goal applied in late fall is effective.