How many of your skies are blue?
How much of your love is true?
Where did you get them eyes of green?
I'm knowin' you know just what I mean
from "Pueblo Waltz" - TVZ
This website is for research and archiving of material about our favorite legend, who now finally has two excellent biographies; in 2007 by John Kruth, and in 2008 by Robert Hardy, "A Deeper Blue" from the Univ. of N. Texas Press. Both now (2010) in paperback. Congrats John and Robert! Also Nov. 2018 a NEW book about his life with Townes by Harold Eggers (and L.E. McCullough), "My Years with Townes Van Zandt: Music, Genius, and Rage". In 2021, Mickey White also published his memoir, "Another Mickey: Ruminations of a Texas Guitar Slinger", available from the usual book sellers!
Be sure to also visit Jeanene Van Zandt's website (at www.townesvanzandt.com): Townes Van Zandt Central
See the What's New page for new additions

[Memorial page]
Townes Van Zandt Memorial Page - announcements,
tribute show info, songs, poems about Townes, published articles, and more
[Song-guide, Others]
A Guide to Townes Van Zandt Songs and Recordings, including links from each song to chords if available, and to Hans and Frans' lists of recordings by other musicians
with comments and reviews
Chords and lyrics of Townes Van Zandt songs - now with 85 entries
[TVZ Song Lyrics]
Thanks to Bo. Adopted by this site after original went offline.
[1940s-60s] [1970s] [1980s] [1990s] [MISC. UNDATED]
Townes Timeline & Appearance Schedule - augmented with posters, articles, photos, setlists, fuly updated 06/Oct/2024 with hundreds of new entries! This is all maintained by Hans G.! Older lists: Han's, Len's
Concert reviews/setlists 1977-Dec 1996
Frequently Asked Question about Townes Van Zandt
Photo Galleries [I] and [II]
(14 and 11 as of Dec/1996)
Audio and VIDEO jukeboxes - samples of Townes Van Zandt songs
There are two TVZ discussion groups, both at Yahoo. AboutTownes gets more traffic, just send a message to
AboutTownes-subscribe@egroups.com, or check out TheHighwayKind
[Box-Set Info]
Information from Tomato records concerning the 60 song 4-cd box set
"Newology": a message from Kevin Eggers - 25/Jan/97 and updated 23/Mar/01 in the
J.T. Van Zandt - interview Dec 2001, concert review in No Depression - Aug. 2004, and article on his Boat Building- July 2010.
[What's New]
What's New and log page
Other Townes-related Web Links - updated Nov 25, 2012

Last update: 06/Oct/2024
This Web page first went on-line 15/Jan/96
This page has been visited [more than 47,717]
since 28/Dec/96
Detailed usage statistics available for the
period 4/Jan/97 to 8/Jan/97
Suggestions, Contributions? Contact Len Coop coopl@bcc.orst.edu