### Log file for DDRP v2 ###

BASE DIR:  /data/PRISM/ 
WORKING DIR:  /data/PRISM/2023 
PARAMETER AND SETTINGS SETUP: getting parameters to use in model
Species params:  /usr/local/dds/DDRP_B1/spp_params/EAB.params 
Reading params for species:  EAB  Fullname:  Emerald ash borer 
2023 is not a leap year - ignoring 'keep_leap' parameter

METADATA: creating metadata file for all inputs used in model
Done writing metadata file

Finished loading PRISM files for 365 days
Creating template file for CONUS
Splitting template into 4 tiles
Cropping tmax and tmin tiles for CONUS 
Done processing PRISM data

Sampling every 30 days between 20230101 and 20231231 
Running daily loop for cohorts 1 2 
Running daily loop for cohorts 3 4 
Running daily loop for cohorts 5 6 
Running daily loop for cohorts 7 
Daily loop done (run time = 5.66 min)


Merging tiles for CONUS 

Merged PEMa1 tiles for cohort 1 
Merged PEMa1 tiles for cohort 2 
Merged PEMa1 tiles for cohort 3 
Merged PEMa1 tiles for cohort 4 
Merged PEMa1 tiles for cohort 5 
Merged PEMa1 tiles for cohort 6 
Merged Lifestage tiles for cohort 1 
Merged DDtotal tiles for cohort 1
Merged All_Stress_Excl tiles for cohort 1
Merged PEMa1 tiles for cohort 7 
Merged PEMe0 tiles for cohort 1 
Merged PEMe0 tiles for cohort 2 
Merged PEMe0 tiles for cohort 3 
Merged PEMe0 tiles for cohort 4 
Merged Heat_Stress_Excl tiles for cohort 1
Merged Cold_Stress_Excl tiles for cohort 1
Merged PEMe0 tiles for cohort 5 
Merged Lifestage tiles for cohort 2 
Merged PEMe0 tiles for cohort 6 
Merged PEMe0 tiles for cohort 7 
Merged PEMe1 tiles for cohort 1 
Merged PEMe1 tiles for cohort 2 
Merged PEMe1 tiles for cohort 3 
Merged Heat_Stress_Units tiles for cohort 1
Merged Cold_Stress_Units tiles for cohort 1
Merged Lifestage tiles for cohort 3 
Merged PEMe1 tiles for cohort 4 
Merged PEMl0 tiles for cohort 1 
Merged PEMp1 tiles for cohort 1 
Merged PEMe1 tiles for cohort 5 
Merged PEMl0 tiles for cohort 2 
Merged PEMp1 tiles for cohort 2 
Merged PEMl0 tiles for cohort 3 
Merged PEMe1 tiles for cohort 6 
Merged PEMp1 tiles for cohort 3 
Merged PEMl0 tiles for cohort 4 
Merged PEMe1 tiles for cohort 7 
Merged PEMp1 tiles for cohort 4 
Merged PEMl0 tiles for cohort 5 
Merged PEMp1 tiles for cohort 5 
Merged PEMl0 tiles for cohort 6 
Merged Lifestage tiles for cohort 4 
Merged PEMp1 tiles for cohort 6 
Merged PEMl0 tiles for cohort 7 
Merged PEMp1 tiles for cohort 7 
Merged PEMl1 tiles for cohort 1 
Merged PEMl1 tiles for cohort 2 
Merged PEMl1 tiles for cohort 3 
Merged PEMl1 tiles for cohort 4 
Merged Lifestage tiles for cohort 5 
Merged PEMl1 tiles for cohort 5 
Merged PEMl1 tiles for cohort 6 
Merged PEMl1 tiles for cohort 7 
Merged PEMp0 tiles for cohort 1 
Merged PEMp0 tiles for cohort 2 
Merged PEMp0 tiles for cohort 3 
Merged Lifestage tiles for cohort 6 
Merged PEMp0 tiles for cohort 4 
Merged PEMp0 tiles for cohort 5 
Merged PEMp0 tiles for cohort 6 
Merged PEMp0 tiles for cohort 7 
Merged Lifestage tiles for cohort 7 
Merged NumGen tiles for cohort 1 
Merged NumGen tiles for cohort 2 
Merged NumGen tiles for cohort 3 
Merged NumGen tiles for cohort 4 
Merged NumGen tiles for cohort 5 
Merged NumGen tiles for cohort 6 
Merged NumGen tiles for cohort 7 
Merged PEMa0 tiles for cohort 1 
Merged PEMa0 tiles for cohort 2 
Merged PEMa0 tiles for cohort 3 
Merged PEMa0 tiles for cohort 4 
Merged PEMa0 tiles for cohort 5 
Merged PEMa0 tiles for cohort 6 
Merged PEMa0 tiles for cohort 7 

Done merging tiles

Deleting tiles for CONUS 

Deleted tile files for Lifestage 
Deleted tile files for NumGen 
Deleted tile files for PEMa0 
Deleted tile files for PEMa1 
Deleted tile files for PEMe0 
Deleted tile files for PEMe1 
Deleted tile files for PEMl0 
Deleted tile files for PEMl1 
Deleted tile files for PEMp0 
Deleted tile files for PEMp1 

Done deleting tile files


Saving summary map: Misc_output/DDtotal_20230301.png
- Number of accumulated degree-days on 03/01/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/DDtotal_20231231.png
- Number of accumulated degree-days on 12/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/DDtotal_20230130.png
- Number of accumulated degree-days on 01/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/DDtotal_20230828.png
- Number of accumulated degree-days on 08/28/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/DDtotal_20230307.png
- Number of accumulated degree-days on 03/07/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/DDtotal_20230927.png
- Number of accumulated degree-days on 09/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/DDtotal_20230430.png
- Number of accumulated degree-days on 04/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/DDtotal_20230729.png

Saving summary map: Misc_output/DDtotal_20231126.png
- Number of accumulated degree-days on 07/29/2023- Number of accumulated degree-days on 11/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/DDtotal_20230331.png
- Number of accumulated degree-days on 03/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/DDtotal_20230530.png
- Number of accumulated degree-days on 05/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/DDtotal_20230629.png
- Number of accumulated degree-days on 06/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/DDtotal_20231226.png
- Number of accumulated degree-days on 12/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/DDtotal_20231027.png
- Number of accumulated degree-days on 10/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Cold_Stress_Units_20230301.png
- Number of accumulated cold stress units on 03/01/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Cold_Stress_Units_20231231.png
- Number of accumulated cold stress units on 12/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Cold_Stress_Units_20230828.png
- Number of accumulated cold stress units on 08/28/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Cold_Stress_Units_20230927.png
- Number of accumulated cold stress units on 09/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Cold_Stress_Units_20230729.png
- Number of accumulated cold stress units on 07/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Cold_Stress_Units_20230307.png
- Number of accumulated cold stress units on 03/07/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Cold_Stress_Units_20231126.png
- Number of accumulated cold stress units on 11/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Cold_Stress_Units_20230629.png
- Number of accumulated cold stress units on 06/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Cold_Stress_Units_20230331.png
- Number of accumulated cold stress units on 03/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Cold_Stress_Units_20230530.png
- Number of accumulated cold stress units on 05/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Cold_Stress_Units_20230430.png
- Number of accumulated cold stress units on 04/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Cold_Stress_Units_20230130.png
- Number of accumulated cold stress units on 01/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Cold_Stress_Units_20231226.png
- Number of accumulated cold stress units on 12/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Cold_Stress_Units_20231027.png
- Number of accumulated cold stress units on 10/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Cold_Stress_Excl_20230301.png
- Cold stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits
  on 03/01/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Cold_Stress_Excl_20231231.png
- Cold stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits
  on 12/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Cold_Stress_Excl_20230828.png
- Cold stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits
  on 08/28/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Cold_Stress_Excl_20230927.png
- Cold stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits
  on 09/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Cold_Stress_Excl_20230629.png
- Cold stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits
  on 06/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Cold_Stress_Excl_20230729.png
- Cold stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits
  on 07/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Cold_Stress_Excl_20230307.png
- Cold stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits
  on 03/07/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Cold_Stress_Excl_20231126.png
- Cold stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits
  on 11/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Cold_Stress_Excl_20230530.png
- Cold stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits
  on 05/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Cold_Stress_Excl_20230331.png
- Cold stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits
  on 03/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Cold_Stress_Excl_20230430.png
- Cold stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits
  on 04/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Cold_Stress_Excl_20230130.png
- Cold stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits
  on 01/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Cold_Stress_Excl_20231226.png
- Cold stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits
  on 12/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Cold_Stress_Excl_20231027.png
- Cold stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits
  on 10/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Heat_Stress_Units_20230130.png
- Number of accumulated heat stress units on 01/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Heat_Stress_Units_20230301.png
- Number of accumulated heat stress units on 03/01/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Heat_Stress_Units_20230307.png
- Number of accumulated heat stress units on 03/07/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Heat_Stress_Units_20230331.png
- Number of accumulated heat stress units on 03/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Heat_Stress_Units_20230430.png
- Number of accumulated heat stress units on 04/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Heat_Stress_Units_20231231.png
- Number of accumulated heat stress units on 12/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Heat_Stress_Units_20230629.png
- Number of accumulated heat stress units on 06/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Heat_Stress_Units_20230530.png
- Number of accumulated heat stress units on 05/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Heat_Stress_Units_20230729.png
- Number of accumulated heat stress units on 07/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Heat_Stress_Units_20230828.png
- Number of accumulated heat stress units on 08/28/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Heat_Stress_Units_20230927.png
- Number of accumulated heat stress units on 09/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Heat_Stress_Units_20231126.png
- Number of accumulated heat stress units on 11/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Heat_Stress_Units_20231226.png
- Number of accumulated heat stress units on 12/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Heat_Stress_Units_20231027.png
- Number of accumulated heat stress units on 10/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Heat_Stress_Excl_20230130.png
- Heat stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits
  on 01/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Heat_Stress_Excl_20230301.png
- Heat stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits
  on 03/01/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Heat_Stress_Excl_20230307.png
- Heat stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits
  on 03/07/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Heat_Stress_Excl_20230331.png
- Heat stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits
  on 03/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Heat_Stress_Excl_20230430.png
- Heat stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits
  on 04/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Heat_Stress_Excl_20230629.png
- Heat stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits
  on 06/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Heat_Stress_Excl_20230530.png
- Heat stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits
  on 05/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Heat_Stress_Excl_20231231.png
- Heat stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits
  on 12/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Heat_Stress_Excl_20230729.png
- Heat stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits
  on 07/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Heat_Stress_Excl_20230828.png
- Heat stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits
  on 08/28/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Heat_Stress_Excl_20230927.png
- Heat stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits
  on 09/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Heat_Stress_Excl_20231126.png
- Heat stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits
  on 11/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Heat_Stress_Excl_20231226.png
- Heat stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits
  on 12/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Heat_Stress_Excl_20231027.png
- Heat stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits
  on 10/27/2023

Saving summary map: All_Stress_Excl_20230130.png
- All stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits on

Saving summary map: All_Stress_Excl_20230301.png
- All stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits on

Saving summary map: All_Stress_Excl_20230307.png
- All stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits on

Saving summary map: All_Stress_Excl_20230629.png
- All stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits on

Saving summary map: All_Stress_Excl_20230331.png
- All stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits on

Saving summary map: All_Stress_Excl_20230430.png
- All stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits on

Saving summary map: All_Stress_Excl_20231231.png
- All stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits on

Saving summary map: All_Stress_Excl_20230530.png
- All stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits on

Saving summary map: All_Stress_Excl_20230828.png
- All stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits on

Saving summary map: All_Stress_Excl_20230729.png
- All stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits on

Saving summary map: All_Stress_Excl_20230927.png
- All stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits on

Saving summary map: All_Stress_Excl_20231126.png
- All stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits on

Saving summary map: All_Stress_Excl_20231226.png
- All stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits on

Saving summary map: All_Stress_Excl_20231027.png
- All stress exclusion based on stress temperature thresholds and unit limits on

Done with DDtotal, climate stress exclusions, and climate stress unit maps


Saving summary map: StageCount_20230130.png
- Stage count on 01/30/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_20230301.png
- Stage count on 03/01/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_20230307.png
- Stage count on 03/07/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_20230331.png
- Stage count on 03/31/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_20230430.png
- Stage count on 04/30/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_20230530.png
- Stage count on 05/30/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_20230629.png
- Stage count on 06/29/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_20230729.png
- Stage count on 07/29/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_20230828.png
- Stage count on 08/28/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_20231226.png
- Stage count on 12/26/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_20231126.png
- Stage count on 11/26/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_20231027.png
- Stage count on 10/27/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_20231231.png
- Stage count on 12/31/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_20230927.png
- Stage count on 09/27/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_Excl1_20230130.png
- Stage count with climate stress excl. on 01/30/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_Excl1_20230301.png
- Stage count with climate stress excl. on 03/01/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_Excl1_20230307.png
- Stage count with climate stress excl. on 03/07/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_Excl1_20230331.png
- Stage count with climate stress excl. on 03/31/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_Excl1_20230430.png
- Stage count with climate stress excl. on 04/30/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_Excl1_20230530.png
- Stage count with climate stress excl. on 05/30/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_Excl1_20230629.png
- Stage count with climate stress excl. on 06/29/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_Excl1_20230729.png
- Stage count with climate stress excl. on 07/29/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_Excl1_20230927.png
- Stage count with climate stress excl. on 09/27/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_Excl1_20231027.png
- Stage count with climate stress excl. on 10/27/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_Excl1_20231226.png
- Stage count with climate stress excl. on 12/26/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_Excl1_20231126.png
- Stage count with climate stress excl. on 11/26/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_Excl1_20230828.png
- Stage count with climate stress excl. on 08/28/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_Excl1_20231231.png
- Stage count with climate stress excl. on 12/31/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_Excl2_20230130.png
- Stage count with climate stress excl. on 01/30/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_Excl2_20230307.png
- Stage count with climate stress excl. on 03/07/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_Excl2_20230301.png
- Stage count with climate stress excl. on 03/01/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_Excl2_20230331.png
- Stage count with climate stress excl. on 03/31/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_Excl2_20230430.png
- Stage count with climate stress excl. on 04/30/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_Excl2_20230530.png
- Stage count with climate stress excl. on 05/30/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_Excl2_20230629.png
- Stage count with climate stress excl. on 06/29/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_Excl2_20230729.png
- Stage count with climate stress excl. on 07/29/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_Excl2_20230927.png
- Stage count with climate stress excl. on 09/27/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_Excl2_20231027.png
- Stage count with climate stress excl. on 10/27/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_Excl2_20230828.png
- Stage count with climate stress excl. on 08/28/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_Excl2_20231126.png
- Stage count with climate stress excl. on 11/26/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_Excl2_20231226.png
- Stage count with climate stress excl. on 12/26/2023

Saving summary map: StageCount_Excl2_20231231.png
- Stage count with climate stress excl. on 12/31/2023

Done with raster and summary map outputs for StageCount, StageCount_Excl1, and


Saving raster: Avg_PEMa0_20231231.tif
- Avg. date of OW gen. egg laying

Saving raster: Avg_PEMl1_20231231.tif
- Avg. date of 1st gen. pupation

Saving raster: Avg_PEMl0_20231231.tif
- Avg. date of OW gen. pupation

Saving raster: Avg_PEMe1_20231231.tif
- Avg. date of 1st gen. egg hatch

Saving raster: Avg_PEMp0_20231231.tif
- Avg. date of OW gen. adult emergence

Saving summary map: Avg_PEMl1_20231231.png
- Avg. date of 1st gen. pupation

Saving summary map: Avg_PEMa0_20231231.png
- Avg. date of OW gen. egg laying

Saving raster: Earliest_PEMl1_20231231.tif
- Earliest date of 1st gen. pupation

Saving summary map: Avg_PEMl0_20231231.png
- Avg. date of OW gen. pupation

Saving summary map: Avg_PEMe1_20231231.png
- Avg. date of 1st gen. egg hatch

Saving raster: Earliest_PEMa0_20231231.tif
- Earliest date of OW gen. egg laying

Saving raster: Earliest_PEMl0_20231231.tif
- Earliest date of OW gen. pupation

Saving raster: Earliest_PEMe1_20231231.tif
- Earliest date of 1st gen. egg hatch

Saving summary map: Avg_PEMp0_20231231.png
- Avg. date of OW gen. adult emergence

Saving summary map: Earliest_PEMl1_20231231.png
- Earliest date of 1st gen. pupation

Saving raster: Avg_PEMl1Excl1_20231231.tif
- Avg date of 1st gen. pupation

Saving raster: Avg_PEMl1Excl2_20231231.tif
- Avg date of 1st gen. pupation

Saving raster: Earliest_PEMp0_20231231.tif
- Earliest date of OW gen. adult emergence

Saving summary map: Earliest_PEMa0_20231231.png
- Earliest date of OW gen. egg laying

Saving summary map: Earliest_PEMl0_20231231.png
- Earliest date of OW gen. pupation

Saving raster: Avg_PEMa0Excl1_20231231.tif
- Avg date of OW gen. egg laying

Saving raster: Avg_PEMa0Excl2_20231231.tif
- Avg date of OW gen. egg laying

Saving summary map: Earliest_PEMe1_20231231.png
- Earliest date of 1st gen. egg hatch

Saving raster: Avg_PEMl0Excl1_20231231.tif
- Avg date of OW gen. pupation

Saving raster: Avg_PEMl0Excl2_20231231.tif
- Avg date of OW gen. pupation

Saving summary map: Avg_PEMl1Excl1_20231231.png
- Avg date of 1st gen. pupation w/ climate stress exclusion

Saving raster: Avg_PEMe1Excl1_20231231.tif
- Avg date of 1st gen. egg hatch

Saving raster: Avg_PEMe1Excl2_20231231.tif
- Avg date of 1st gen. egg hatch

Saving summary map: Earliest_PEMp0_20231231.png
- Earliest date of OW gen. adult emergence

Saving raster: Avg_PEMp0Excl1_20231231.tif
- Avg date of OW gen. adult emergence

Saving summary map: Avg_PEMl1Excl2_20231231.png
- Avg date of 1st gen. pupation w/ climate stress exclusion

Saving raster: Avg_PEMp0Excl2_20231231.tif
- Avg date of OW gen. adult emergence

Saving summary map: Avg_PEMa0Excl1_20231231.png
- Avg date of OW gen. egg laying w/ climate stress exclusion

Saving raster: Earliest_PEMl1Excl1_20231231.tif
- Earliest date of 1st gen. pupation

Saving raster: Earliest_PEMl1Excl2_20231231.tif
- Earliest date of 1st gen. pupation

Saving summary map: Avg_PEMl0Excl1_20231231.png
- Avg date of OW gen. pupation w/ climate stress exclusion

Saving summary map: Avg_PEMe1Excl1_20231231.png
- Avg date of 1st gen. egg hatch w/ climate stress exclusion

Saving summary map: Earliest_PEMl1Excl1_20231231.png
- Earliest date of 1st gen. pupation w/ climate stress exclusion

Saving summary map: Avg_PEMa0Excl2_20231231.png
- Avg date of OW gen. egg laying w/ climate stress exclusion

Saving summary map: Avg_PEMl0Excl2_20231231.png
- Avg date of OW gen. pupation w/ climate stress exclusion

Saving summary map: Avg_PEMp0Excl1_20231231.png
- Avg date of OW gen. adult emergence w/ climate stress exclusion

Saving summary map: Avg_PEMe1Excl2_20231231.png
- Avg date of 1st gen. egg hatch w/ climate stress exclusion

Saving raster: Earliest_PEMa0Excl1_20231231.tif
- Earliest date of OW gen. egg laying

Saving raster: Earliest_PEMa0Excl2_20231231.tif
- Earliest date of OW gen. egg laying

Saving raster: Earliest_PEMl0Excl1_20231231.tif
- Earliest date of OW gen. pupation

Saving raster: Earliest_PEMl0Excl2_20231231.tif
- Earliest date of OW gen. pupation

Saving summary map: Earliest_PEMl1Excl2_20231231.png
- Earliest date of 1st gen. pupation w/ climate stress exclusion

Saving raster: Earliest_PEMe1Excl1_20231231.tif
- Earliest date of 1st gen. egg hatch

Saving raster: Earliest_PEMe1Excl2_20231231.tif
- Earliest date of 1st gen. egg hatch

Saving summary map: Earliest_PEMa0Excl1_20231231.png
- Earliest date of OW gen. egg laying w/ climate stress exclusion

Saving summary map: Avg_PEMp0Excl2_20231231.png
- Avg date of OW gen. adult emergence w/ climate stress exclusion

Saving summary map: Earliest_PEMl0Excl1_20231231.png
- Earliest date of OW gen. pupation w/ climate stress exclusion

Saving summary map: Earliest_PEMe1Excl1_20231231.png
- Earliest date of 1st gen. egg hatch w/ climate stress exclusion

Saving raster: Earliest_PEMp0Excl1_20231231.tif
- Earliest date of OW gen. adult emergence

Saving raster: Earliest_PEMp0Excl2_20231231.tif
- Earliest date of OW gen. adult emergence

Saving summary map: Earliest_PEMa0Excl2_20231231.png
- Earliest date of OW gen. egg laying w/ climate stress exclusion

Saving summary map: Earliest_PEMe1Excl2_20231231.png
- Earliest date of 1st gen. egg hatch w/ climate stress exclusion

Saving summary map: Earliest_PEMl0Excl2_20231231.png
- Earliest date of OW gen. pupation w/ climate stress exclusion

Saving summary map: Earliest_PEMp0Excl1_20231231.png
- Earliest date of OW gen. adult emergence w/ climate stress exclusion

Saving summary map: Earliest_PEMp0Excl2_20231231.png
- Earliest date of OW gen. adult emergence w/ climate stress exclusion

Done with Pest Event Maps


Stages: OL, P, A, E, L

Saving raster brick: Misc_output/OWlarvae.tif
- OWlarvae relative pop. size for all 14 dates

Saving raster brick: Misc_output/Egg.tif
- Egg relative pop. size for all 14 dates

Saving raster brick: Misc_output/Pupae.tif
- Pupae relative pop. size for all 14 dates

Saving raster brick: Misc_output/Adult.tif
- Adult relative pop. size for all 14 dates

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_20230130.png
- Egg relative pop. size on 01/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_20230130.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size on 01/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_20230130.png
- Pupae relative pop. size on 01/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_20230130.png
- Adult relative pop. size on 01/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_20230301.png
- Egg relative pop. size on 03/01/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_20230301.png
- Pupae relative pop. size on 03/01/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_20230301.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size on 03/01/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_20230301.png
- Adult relative pop. size on 03/01/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_20230307.png
- Egg relative pop. size on 03/07/2023

Saving raster brick: Misc_output/Larvae.tif
- Larvae relative pop. size for 14 dates

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_20230307.png
- Pupae relative pop. size on 03/07/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_20230307.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size on 03/07/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_20230307.png
- Adult relative pop. size on 03/07/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_20230331.png
- Egg relative pop. size on 03/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_20230130.png
- Larvae relative pop. size on 01/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_20230331.png
- Pupae relative pop. size on 03/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_20230331.png
- Adult relative pop. size on 03/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_20230331.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size on 03/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_20230430.png
- Egg relative pop. size on 04/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_20230430.png
- Pupae relative pop. size on 04/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_20230430.png
- Adult relative pop. size on 04/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_20230430.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size on 04/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_20230301.png
- Larvae relative pop. size on 03/01/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_20230530.png
- Egg relative pop. size on 05/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_20230530.png
- Pupae relative pop. size on 05/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_20230530.png
- Adult relative pop. size on 05/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_20230530.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size on 05/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_20230307.png
- Larvae relative pop. size on 03/07/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_20230629.png
- Egg relative pop. size on 06/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_20230629.png
- Pupae relative pop. size on 06/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_20230629.png
- Adult relative pop. size on 06/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_20230331.png
- Larvae relative pop. size on 03/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_20230629.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size on 06/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_20230729.png
- Egg relative pop. size on 07/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_20230729.png
- Pupae relative pop. size on 07/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_20230430.png
- Larvae relative pop. size on 04/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_20230729.png
- Adult relative pop. size on 07/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_20230729.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size on 07/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_20230828.png
- Egg relative pop. size on 08/28/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_20230828.png
- Pupae relative pop. size on 08/28/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_20230530.png
- Larvae relative pop. size on 05/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_20230828.png
- Adult relative pop. size on 08/28/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_20230828.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size on 08/28/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_20230927.png
- Egg relative pop. size on 09/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_20230927.png
- Pupae relative pop. size on 09/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_20230629.png
- Larvae relative pop. size on 06/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_20230927.png
- Adult relative pop. size on 09/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_20230927.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size on 09/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_20231027.png
- Egg relative pop. size on 10/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_20231027.png
- Pupae relative pop. size on 10/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_20230729.png
- Larvae relative pop. size on 07/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_20231027.png
- Adult relative pop. size on 10/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_20231027.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size on 10/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_20231126.png
- Egg relative pop. size on 11/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_20231126.png
- Pupae relative pop. size on 11/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_20230828.png
- Larvae relative pop. size on 08/28/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_20231126.png
- Adult relative pop. size on 11/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_20231126.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size on 11/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_20231226.png
- Egg relative pop. size on 12/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_20231226.png
- Pupae relative pop. size on 12/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_20230927.png
- Larvae relative pop. size on 09/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_20231226.png
- Adult relative pop. size on 12/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_20231226.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size on 12/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_20231231.png
- Egg relative pop. size on 12/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_20231231.png
- Pupae relative pop. size on 12/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_20231027.png
- Larvae relative pop. size on 10/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_20231231.png
- Adult relative pop. size on 12/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_20231231.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size on 12/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_20231126.png
- Larvae relative pop. size on 11/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_20231226.png
- Larvae relative pop. size on 12/26/2023

Saving raster brick: Misc_output/Egg_Excl1.tif
- Egg relative pop. size for all 14 dates

Saving raster brick: Misc_output/Pupae_Excl1.tif
- Pupae relative pop. size for all 14 dates

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_20231231.png
- Larvae relative pop. size on 12/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_Excl1_20230130.png
- Egg relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 01/30/2023

Saving raster brick: Misc_output/Adult_Excl1.tif
- Adult relative pop. size for all 14 dates

Saving raster brick: Misc_output/OWlarvae_Excl1.tif
- OWlarvae relative pop. size for all 14 dates

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_Excl1_20230130.png
- Pupae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 01/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_Excl1_20230301.png
- Egg relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 03/01/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl1_20230130.png
- Adult relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 01/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_Excl1_20230130.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 01/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_Excl1_20230301.png
- Pupae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 03/01/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_Excl1_20230307.png
- Egg relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 03/07/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl1_20230301.png
- Adult relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 03/01/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_Excl1_20230301.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 03/01/2023

Saving raster brick: Misc_output/Larvae_Excl1.tif
- Larvae relative pop. size w/ sev. climate stress exclusion for 14 dates

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_Excl1_20230307.png
- Pupae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 03/07/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_Excl1_20230331.png
- Egg relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 03/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl1_20230307.png
- Adult relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 03/07/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_Excl1_20230307.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 03/07/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_Excl1_20230331.png
- Pupae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 03/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_Excl1_20230130.png
- Larvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 01/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl1_20230331.png
- Adult relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 03/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_Excl1_20230430.png
- Egg relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 04/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_Excl1_20230331.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 03/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_Excl1_20230430.png
- Pupae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 04/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_Excl1_20230301.png
- Larvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 03/01/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_Excl1_20230530.png
- Egg relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 05/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl1_20230430.png
- Adult relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 04/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_Excl1_20230430.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 04/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_Excl1_20230530.png
- Pupae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 05/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_Excl1_20230307.png
- Larvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 03/07/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl1_20230530.png
- Adult relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 05/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_Excl1_20230629.png
- Egg relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 06/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_Excl1_20230530.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 05/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_Excl1_20230629.png
- Pupae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 06/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_Excl1_20230331.png
- Larvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 03/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl1_20230629.png
- Adult relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 06/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_Excl1_20230729.png
- Egg relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 07/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_Excl1_20230629.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 06/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_Excl1_20230729.png
- Pupae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 07/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_Excl1_20230430.png
- Larvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 04/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_Excl1_20230828.png
- Egg relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 08/28/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl1_20230729.png
- Adult relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 07/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_Excl1_20230729.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 07/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_Excl1_20230828.png
- Pupae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 08/28/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_Excl1_20230530.png
- Larvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 05/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl1_20230828.png
- Adult relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 08/28/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_Excl1_20230927.png
- Egg relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 09/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_Excl1_20230828.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 08/28/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_Excl1_20230927.png
- Pupae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 09/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl1_20230927.png
- Adult relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 09/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_Excl1_20230629.png
- Larvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 06/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_Excl1_20231027.png
- Egg relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 10/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_Excl1_20230927.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 09/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_Excl1_20231027.png
- Pupae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 10/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl1_20231027.png
- Adult relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 10/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_Excl1_20230729.png
- Larvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 07/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_Excl1_20231126.png
- Egg relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 11/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_Excl1_20231027.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 10/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_Excl1_20231126.png
- Pupae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 11/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_Excl1_20230828.png
- Larvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 08/28/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl1_20231126.png
- Adult relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 11/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_Excl1_20231226.png
- Egg relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 12/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_Excl1_20231126.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 11/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_Excl1_20231226.png
- Pupae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 12/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl1_20231226.png
- Adult relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 12/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_Excl1_20230927.png
- Larvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 09/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_Excl1_20231231.png
- Egg relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 12/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_Excl1_20231226.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 12/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_Excl1_20231231.png
- Pupae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 12/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_Excl1_20231027.png
- Larvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 10/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl1_20231231.png
- Adult relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 12/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_Excl1_20231231.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 12/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_Excl1_20231126.png
- Larvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 11/26/2023

Saving raster brick: Misc_output/Egg_Excl2.tif
- Egg relative pop. size for all 14 dates

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_Excl1_20231226.png
- Larvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 12/26/2023

Saving raster brick: Misc_output/Pupae_Excl2.tif
- Pupae relative pop. size for all 14 dates

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_Excl2_20230130.png
- Egg relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 01/30/2023

Saving raster brick: Misc_output/Adult_Excl2.tif
- Adult relative pop. size for all 14 dates

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_Excl1_20231231.png
- Larvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 12/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_Excl2_20230130.png
- Pupae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 01/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_Excl2_20230301.png
- Egg relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 03/01/2023

Saving raster brick: Misc_output/OWlarvae_Excl2.tif
- OWlarvae relative pop. size for all 14 dates

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl2_20230130.png
- Adult relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 01/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_Excl2_20230301.png
- Pupae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 03/01/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_Excl2_20230307.png
- Egg relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 03/07/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_Excl2_20230130.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 01/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl2_20230301.png
- Adult relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 03/01/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_Excl2_20230307.png
- Pupae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 03/07/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_Excl2_20230331.png
- Egg relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 03/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_Excl2_20230301.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 03/01/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl2_20230307.png
- Adult relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 03/07/2023

Saving raster brick: Misc_output/Larvae_Excl2.tif
- Larvae relative pop. size w/ sev. and mod. climate stress exclusion for 14

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_Excl2_20230331.png
- Pupae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 03/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_Excl2_20230430.png
- Egg relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 04/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_Excl2_20230307.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 03/07/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl2_20230331.png
- Adult relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 03/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_Excl2_20230130.png
- All larvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 01/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_Excl2_20230430.png
- Pupae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 04/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_Excl2_20230530.png
- Egg relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 05/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_Excl2_20230331.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 03/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl2_20230430.png
- Adult relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 04/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_Excl2_20230301.png
- All larvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 03/01/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_Excl2_20230530.png
- Pupae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 05/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_Excl2_20230629.png
- Egg relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 06/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_Excl2_20230430.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 04/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl2_20230530.png
- Adult relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 05/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_Excl2_20230307.png
- All larvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 03/07/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_Excl2_20230629.png
- Pupae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 06/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_Excl2_20230729.png
- Egg relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 07/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl2_20230629.png
- Adult relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 06/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_Excl2_20230530.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 05/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_Excl2_20230331.png
- All larvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 03/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_Excl2_20230828.png
- Egg relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 08/28/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_Excl2_20230729.png
- Pupae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 07/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl2_20230729.png
- Adult relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 07/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_Excl2_20230629.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 06/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_Excl2_20230430.png
- All larvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 04/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_Excl2_20230828.png
- Pupae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 08/28/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_Excl2_20230927.png
- Egg relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 09/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl2_20230828.png
- Adult relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 08/28/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_Excl2_20230729.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 07/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_Excl2_20230530.png
- All larvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 05/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_Excl2_20230927.png
- Pupae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 09/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_Excl2_20231027.png
- Egg relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 10/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl2_20230927.png
- Adult relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 09/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_Excl2_20230828.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 08/28/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_Excl2_20230629.png
- All larvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 06/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_Excl2_20231027.png
- Pupae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 10/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_Excl2_20231126.png
- Egg relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 11/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl2_20231027.png
- Adult relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 10/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_Excl2_20230927.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 09/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_Excl2_20230729.png
- All larvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 07/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_Excl2_20231126.png
- Pupae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 11/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_Excl2_20231226.png
- Egg relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 12/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl2_20231126.png
- Adult relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 11/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_Excl2_20231027.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 10/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_Excl2_20230828.png
- All larvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 08/28/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_Excl2_20231226.png
- Pupae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 12/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Egg_Excl2_20231231.png
- Egg relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 12/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl2_20231226.png
- Adult relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 12/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_Excl2_20231126.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 11/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_Excl2_20230927.png
- All larvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 09/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Pupae_Excl2_20231231.png
- Pupae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 12/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl2_20231231.png
- Adult relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 12/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_Excl2_20231226.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 12/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_Excl2_20231027.png
- All larvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 10/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/OWlarvae_Excl2_20231231.png
- OWlarvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 12/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_Excl2_20231126.png
- All larvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 11/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_Excl2_20231226.png
- All larvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 12/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Larvae_Excl2_20231231.png
- All larvae relative pop. size w/ climate stress exclusion on 12/31/2023

Done with weighted raster summary map outputs for Lifestage, Lifestage_Excl1,
and Lifestage_Excl2


Saving raster brick: Gen_0_cohort3.tif
- Gen. 0 for all 14 dates

Saving raster brick: Gen_0_cohort4.tif
- Gen. 0 for all 14 dates

Saving raster brick: Gen_0_cohort1.tif
- Gen. 0 for all 14 dates

Saving raster brick: Gen_0_cohort2.tif
- Gen. 0 for all 14 dates

Saving raster brick: Gen_0_cohort6.tif
- Gen. 0 for all 14 dates

Saving raster brick: Gen_0_cohort5.tif
- Gen. 0 for all 14 dates

Saving raster brick: Gen_0_cohort7.tif
- Gen. 0 for all 14 dates

Saving raster brick: Gen_1_cohort1.tif
- Gen. 1 for all 14 dates

Saving raster brick: Gen_1_cohort2.tif
- Gen. 1 for all 14 dates

Saving raster brick: Gen_1_cohort4.tif
- Gen. 1 for all 14 dates

Saving raster brick: Gen_1_cohort3.tif
- Gen. 1 for all 14 dates

Saving raster brick: Gen_1_cohort5.tif
- Gen. 1 for all 14 dates

Saving raster brick: Gen_1_cohort6.tif
- Gen. 1 for all 14 dates

Saving raster brick: Gen_1_cohort7.tif
- Gen. 1 for all 14 dates

Saving raster brick: Misc_output/Gen_0.tif
- Gen. 0 for all 14 dates

Saving raster brick: Misc_output/Gen_1.tif
- Gen. 1 for all 14 dates

Saving raster brick: Misc_output/GenExcl1_0.tif
- Gen. 0 with severe climate stress excl. for all 14 dates

Saving raster brick: Misc_output/GenExcl1_1.tif
- Gen. 1 with severe climate stress excl. for all 14 dates

Saving raster brick: Misc_output/GenExcl2_0.tif
- Gen. 0 with severe and moderate climate stress excl. for all 14 dates

Saving raster brick: Misc_output/GenExcl2_1.tif
- Gen. 1 with severe and moderate climate stress excl. for all 14 dates

Done with weighted raster outputs for NumGen, NumGen_Excl1, and NumGen_Excl2


Saving summary map: NumGen_20230130.png
- Numbers of generations on 01/30/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_Excl1_20230130.png
- Number of gens. with climate stress excl. on 01/30/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_20231027.png
- Numbers of generations on 10/27/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_20230729.png
- Numbers of generations on 07/29/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_Excl2_20230130.png
- Number of gens. with climate stress excl. on 01/30/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_Excl2_20231027.png
- Number of gens. with climate stress excl. on 10/27/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_20230331.png
- Numbers of generations on 03/31/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_Excl1_20231027.png
- Number of gens. with climate stress excl. on 10/27/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_Excl1_20230331.png
- Number of gens. with climate stress excl. on 03/31/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_Excl1_20230729.png
- Number of gens. with climate stress excl. on 07/29/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_Excl2_20230331.png
- Number of gens. with climate stress excl. on 03/31/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_Excl2_20230729.png
- Number of gens. with climate stress excl. on 07/29/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_20230301.png
- Numbers of generations on 03/01/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_20230828.png
- Numbers of generations on 08/28/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_20231126.png
- Numbers of generations on 11/26/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_Excl1_20230301.png
- Number of gens. with climate stress excl. on 03/01/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_20230430.png
- Numbers of generations on 04/30/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_Excl2_20230301.png
- Number of gens. with climate stress excl. on 03/01/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_Excl1_20231126.png
- Number of gens. with climate stress excl. on 11/26/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_Excl2_20231126.png
- Number of gens. with climate stress excl. on 11/26/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_Excl1_20230430.png
- Number of gens. with climate stress excl. on 04/30/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_Excl1_20230828.png
- Number of gens. with climate stress excl. on 08/28/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_Excl2_20230430.png
- Number of gens. with climate stress excl. on 04/30/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_Excl2_20230828.png
- Number of gens. with climate stress excl. on 08/28/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_20230307.png
- Numbers of generations on 03/07/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_20231226.png
- Numbers of generations on 12/26/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_20230927.png
- Numbers of generations on 09/27/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_Excl1_20230307.png
- Number of gens. with climate stress excl. on 03/07/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_20230530.png
- Numbers of generations on 05/30/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_Excl2_20231226.png
- Number of gens. with climate stress excl. on 12/26/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_Excl2_20230307.png
- Number of gens. with climate stress excl. on 03/07/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_Excl1_20230530.png
- Number of gens. with climate stress excl. on 05/30/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_Excl1_20230927.png
- Number of gens. with climate stress excl. on 09/27/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_Excl1_20231226.png
- Number of gens. with climate stress excl. on 12/26/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_Excl2_20230530.png
- Number of gens. with climate stress excl. on 05/30/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_Excl2_20230927.png
- Number of gens. with climate stress excl. on 09/27/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_20231231.png
- Numbers of generations on 12/31/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_20230629.png
- Numbers of generations on 06/29/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_Excl1_20231231.png
- Number of gens. with climate stress excl. on 12/31/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_Excl1_20230629.png
- Number of gens. with climate stress excl. on 06/29/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_Excl2_20231231.png
- Number of gens. with climate stress excl. on 12/31/2023

Saving summary map: NumGen_Excl2_20230629.png
- Number of gens. with climate stress excl. on 06/29/2023

Done with summary maps for NumGen, NumGen_Excl1, and NumGen_Excl2


Replacing older generation vals with newer gen. vals in areas of overlap

Assigning a generation number to pixels in the Adult, Adult_Excl1, and
Adult_Excl2 raster bricks

Done with Lifestage with NumGen analysis


Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_byGen_20230130.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 01/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_byGen_20230530.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 05/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_byGen_20230629.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 06/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_byGen_20230331.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 03/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_byGen_20230729.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 07/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_byGen_20230430.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 04/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_byGen_20230307.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 03/07/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_byGen_20230301.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 03/01/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_byGen_20230828.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 08/28/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_byGen_20231126.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 11/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_byGen_20231027.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 10/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl1_byGen_20230130.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 01/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_byGen_20230927.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 09/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_byGen_20231226.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 12/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_byGen_20231231.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 12/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl1_byGen_20230301.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 03/01/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl1_byGen_20230307.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 03/07/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl1_byGen_20230331.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 03/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl1_byGen_20230729.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 07/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl1_byGen_20230530.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 05/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl1_byGen_20230430.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 04/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl1_byGen_20230629.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 06/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl1_byGen_20230828.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 08/28/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl1_byGen_20230927.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 09/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl2_byGen_20230130.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 01/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl1_byGen_20231027.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 10/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl1_byGen_20231226.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 12/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl2_byGen_20230301.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 03/01/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl1_byGen_20231231.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 12/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl1_byGen_20231126.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 11/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl2_byGen_20230307.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 03/07/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl2_byGen_20230331.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 03/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl2_byGen_20230430.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 04/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl2_byGen_20230629.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 06/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl2_byGen_20230530.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 05/30/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl2_byGen_20230729.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 07/29/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl2_byGen_20230828.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 08/28/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl2_byGen_20230927.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 09/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl2_byGen_20231027.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 10/27/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl2_byGen_20231126.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 11/26/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl2_byGen_20231231.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 12/31/2023

Saving summary map: Misc_output/Adult_Excl2_byGen_20231226.png
- Relative pop. size of adults for each gen. on 12/26/2023

Done with Lifestage with NumGen summary maps

### Done w/ final analyses and map production ###
Run time for analyses and map production = 15.86 min
Deleting, renaming, and moving miscellaneous files
Renamed all final PNG files to include EAB in file name

Run time for entire model = 22.87 min