
Gray Garden Slug

European Black Slug

© 2000. Ralph E. Berry, Department of Entomology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.

Several species of slugs feed on potato, particularly West of the Cascade Mountains. The gray garden slug, Agriolimax reticulatum (Mollusca), is the most common. This slug is about 6 to 8 mm long and varies in color from gray to brown. All stages of slugs cause injury by rasping the tissues from the leaf surfaces. They can be associated with their injury by the trail of white shinny slime they leave behind. Eggs, which are yellowish-white and about 2 mm in diameter, are laid in clusters under clods, under boards, in weedy areas, or trash. Eggs are laid year around in cool moist conditions, but the majority are laid in late summer or fall before the rains begin.

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